Lord Jesus, I come before you just as I am.  I am sorry for my sins.  I repent of my sins, please forgive me.  In your name I forgive all others for what they have done against me.  I renounce satan, the evil spirits and all their works.  I give you my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever.  I invite you into my life, Jesus.  I accept you as my Lord, God and Saviour.  Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit.

Come, Lord Jesus, cover me with your precious blood, and fill me with your Holy Spirit.  I Love You, Lord Jesus.  I Praise You, Jesus.  I Thank You, Jesus.  I shall follow you every day of my life.  Amen.

Mary, my mother, Queen of Peace, St. Peregrine, the cancer saint, all you Angels and Saints, please help me.  Amen.

© 1993 Servite Fathers, O.S.M.


Say this prayer faithfully, no matter how you feel, when you come to the point where you sincerely mean each word, with all your heart, something good spiritually will happen to you. You will experience Jesus, and HE will change your whole life in a very special way. You will see. 


The Miracle Prayer in other languages:


*La Preghiera Del Miracolo*

Gesu Signor mio, mi presento a Te cosi come sono. Addolorato dei miei peccati, ne sono contrito. Ti imploro il perdono. In nome Tuo perdono a tutti quanto hanno fatto contro di me. Rinuncio a Satana, agli spiriti del male ed a tutto il loro operato. Dedico tutto me stesso a Te. Signore Gesu, oggi e per sempre, Ti invito nella mia vita. Gesu, Ti accetto come mio Signore, Dio e Salvatore. Guariscimi, cambiami, rafforza il mio corpo, la mia anima, il mio spirito.

Vieni Signor mio Gesu, coprimi con il Tuo sangue e colmami con il Tuo Spirito Santo. Ti amo Signor mio Gesu, Ti lodo Gesu, Ti ringrazio Gesu. Ti seguiro ogni giorno della mia vita. Amen.

Maria, madre mia, Regina della Pace, San Pellegrino, santo del cancro, tutti gli Angeli e Santi aiutate mi, per favore. Amen.


*La Oracion Milagrosa*

Senor Jesus, me presento ante Ti tal como soy. Te pido perdon por mis pecados, me arrepiento de ellos, por favor, perdoname. En tu nombre, perdono a todos los que me han ofendido. Renuncio a Satanas, a los espiritus maleficos y a todas sus obras. Me entrego por completo a Ti con todo mi ser. Senor Jesus, ahora y siempre, te invito a entrar en mi vida, te acepto como mi Senor, mi Dios y mi Salvador. Por favor curame, cambiame, fortaleceme, en cuerpo, alma y espiritu!

Ven Senor Jesus, cubreme con tu preciosa sangre, y llename del Espiritu Santo. Te amo, Senor Jesus. Te alabo, Senor Jesus, y te doy gracias. Te seguire cada dia de mi vida. Amen.

Maria, mi madre, Reina de la Pax, San Peregrino, santo del cancer, todos los Angeles y Santos, por favor ayudenme. Amen.


*La Priere Du Miracle*

Seigneur Jesus, je me presente a Toi tel que je suis. Je me repends de mes peches, pardonne moi. En ton nom, je pardonne tous les autres pour ce qu'ils m'ont fait. Je renonce a Satan, les esprits du mal et leurs travaux. Je me donne a Toi. Seigneur Jesus, maintenant et pour toujours, je t'invite a entrer dans ma vie, Jesus, je t'accepte pour Seigneur, Dieu et Sauveur. Gueris moi, change moi, donne la force a mon corps, mon ame et mon esprit.

Viens Seigneur Jesus, couvre moi de ton sang precieux et emplis moi de ton Esprit Saint. Je t'aime, Seigneur Jesus. Je te suivrai chaque jour de ma vie. Amen.

Marie, ma mere, Reinede la Paix, St. Peregrine, saint du cancer, vous tous les Anges et les Saints aider moi, s'il vous plait. Amen.



The prayer was given an Imprimatur By Francisco Maria Aguilera Gonzales,

Auxiliary Bishop of Mexico, September 8th, 1992.


For more on Fr. Rookey and those who knew him you are encouraged to visit;


https://www.servite.org      https://www.therookeysaint.org      https://www.osmm.org

Please consider donating at either one, maybe you will consider donating to another worthy cause:

Thank you and God Bless You!  Fr. Rookey Pray for US!


The prayers are exactly the same as they were on Fr. Rookeys International Compassion Ministry's page, you are free to copy them print distribute any content on this page.

 It is probably a good idea, to copy the words that Fr. Rookey wrote about saying the prayer, faithfully, no matter how you feel etc. and to translate them into the corresponding languages. Please pray for the pope our priests and families.

May God Bless Everyone Reading! 

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